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Welcome to my personal website.

Software solutions


I am currently looking for new job opportunities in Singapore.

Photograph of Martin Christensen

Martin Christensen

I have two years of experience as a Full-stack developer with a B.Eng in Robot Systems from the University of Southern Denmark, in Europe's robot capital, Odense. I am detail-oriented, analytical, and always on the lookout for ways to improve efficiency. I have a deep interest in technology and I am eager to learn new things. As a Full-stack developer, I have been responsible for implementing responsive web pages with the necessary back and front end functionalities for the best possible user experience. Throughout my work and studies, I have shown my capability to work independently and in teams.

Throughout my work and studies,
I've gained experience in various languages.

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Additionally I've utilized a number of libraries and frameworks

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Product Page Example

A simple example of a product page I build to try out new Next.js 13 features such as the app directory and Image component.


screenshot of Product Page Example
Product Page Example

Let's talk

Please fill in your details, then submit to get in touch with me about any potential future cooperation.

A hand-drawn paperplane circled by mails on the sea at sunrise - By DALL E